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Replacement building for dilapidated bridge

Trough Bridge in Bergheim


The existing structure over the distance of the north-south railway in the course of a footpath connection from the Abtsbusch to the Glessener height of 1986 designed as a three-field deck bridge with two main carriers from Azobe (Bongossi) wood. The interim supports were created by two half-timbered yokes from Azobe (Bongossi). During the last building inspection, serious damage was found and the building was classified as limited stability. A refurbishment of the existing building is not economical, so a replacement building is required.

The construction project includes the replacement of the entire bridge as a trough bridge in protected timber construction, including new support structures on the existing foundations. The superstructure of the planned bridge is designed in timber construction and spanned as a three-span girder with a span of about 20 meters across the route of the north-south railway. In the middle field, the two main girders are articulated so that the main girders of the bridge act as Gerber carriers. The yokes are created in stock geometry from steel. The foundation of the replacement building is based on the foundations.

Public Utility Bergheim GmbH

Year of construction

Lenght: 60,60 m (20,60/20,00/20,00 m)
Width: 2,00 m

Three-fieldl trough bridge in timber construction, two cladded laminated glulam beams as Gerber beam with stiffening cross frame made of steel.

Our service
restructuring planning, service phase 1-9 according to German HOAI, execution planning

