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Girder Bridge Crossing the Agger River

Timber-Stone Hybrid Bridge in Lohmar


The three-span bridge girder is attached laterally on the side of an existing bridge. It is supported by steel brackets, which are attached to the existing abutments. The two main beams are made of glulam timber, GL32c and laterally covered with larch. To adapt the bicycle and pedestrian extension to the existing concrete bridge, it has an identical steel railing. A grey glaze was applied to the lateral cladding. A special feature is the bridge decking, which is made of large slabs of natural stone (Grauwacke), and is protecting the main structure from above. Below the gaps gutters are arranged to ensure an optimal drainage of water.

City of Lohmar

Year of construction

Lenght: 53,30 m
Width: 3,00 m
Span: approx. 18,45/16,40/18,85 m

Three-span girder bridge with main strcture consisting of blocklaminated glulam and steel cross beams. Decking with large natural stone slabs. Weather protection by sacrificial Larch cladding.

Our services
Design, feasibility stury, engineering, tender procedure, site management – Service phases 1-9 according to German HOAI

Other views of the bridge
