Connection Unterwöhrd - Im Lindach
Variant Study
Wooden bridges are permanent constructions – if they are designed to be weather-proof. Other materials such as steel and concrete are combined in such a way that each material is used according to its strengths. One of the main focuses is constructive wood protection: bearing components made of wood are protected against external weather influences, for example, by linings and thick coverings, exposed parts are made of steel, concrete or natural stone. Secondary wood components exposed to weather are easily changeable and chemical wood preservation is not required. Further advantages that make the wood material increasingly important: Wood is not only a sustainable raw material, it even provides active climate protection by storing carbon and thus reducing it from the atmosphere. In addition, the production and processing of wood-based materials requires considerably less energy than comparable materials. Building with wood therefore means resource-conserving construction with excellent energy and ecological balance. The aim of these designs is to embed the building in an environmentally compatible manner with its contemporary wooden construction. Particular attention is given to the consideration of a durable, protected wooden construction.
Length: 30,00 m
Width: 3,00 m
Unloaded superstructure in timber-concrete composite construction, alternatively as half-timbered or trough bridge
Our services
Variant study, design planning