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Dry and Safe Short Cut Over a Covered Trough Bridge

Connection Bridge Merheim Hospital


The bridge serves as a connecting bridge between two buildings of the Merheim Hospital in Cologne. The bridge is supported on 2 steel piers in order to avoid additional loads onto the building envelope. Due to limited space on the construction site, the installation has been a feat. The mobile crane had to handle the bridge in a very limited space and place the bridge without damage and in millimeter between the two buildings during wind and a suddenly started snowfall – a challenge for our professionals. Due to the high precision in the prefabrication it all came together perfectly. The roof and the windows were mounted after installation in order to keep the weight to be lifted as low as possible.

Landschaftsverband Rheinland

Year of construction

length: 18,40 m
width: 1,70 m

Trough structure formed by main beams of spruce glulam, side cladded with douglas fir planks, single-pitch roof consisting of Kerto Q with bitumen roofing mounted on steel stilts.

Our services
consultancy timber structure

