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Traditional Truss Bridge in Modern Design

Truss Bridge in Emmendingen


The truss bridge functions as crossing over the busy state road 3 for the special school nearby. At the bridgehead a covered pavilion is additionaly connected to the bridge offering a place to pause. The structure is designed as a symmetrical frame with cantilever arms, the supports are steel structures cladded with domestic Douglas fir. The cladding of the bridge in the form of a slat railing is designed close deliberately. By these horizontal lines and the shadows cast by the slats, the bridge still looks slender. Thanks to an excellent constructional wood protection the building requires very low maintenance and is in superb condition.

regional council Freiburg

Year of construction

Hornecker (RP Freiburg)

lenght: 36,00 m
width: 3,50 m

Truss construction of partially block laminated glulam of Douglas fir, rafter roof with copper roofing and slats railing.

Eigene Leistungen
Projektbegleitung in der Ausfühungsphase

Other views of the bridge
