Pedestrian Bridge Crossing the Neckar River
Wide Span Girder Bridge
To develop and improve the Neckar Valley cycle path this bridge crosses the Neckar with an approximate length of 100m. With a width of 3.00m it provides enough space for pedestrians and cyclists. The S-shaped design is oriented to the connecting infrastructure. The considered load cases of 5,0kN / m² is in accordance with DIN 1991-2. The chosen design in form of a timber bridge with spans of 25,65m / 44,50m / 25,65 follows in ground plan an S-shape. The major span is straight at an angle of 85 gon above the Neckar. Both flood plain areas are curved in plan using a radius of 65,25m. On the Eastern side of the river the arc extends to the north, on the west to the south. For an efficient utilization of material the cross-section is graded according to the stress usage. The continuous beam creates moment diagram with zero crossings in the main span, which are designed as so-called Gerber hinge. In this way the design achieves sensible transport dimensions and a simplified assembly.
Year of Construction
Municipal Neckartenzlingen
Length: 96,00 m
Width: 3,00 m
Ingenieurbüro Blankenhorn (Infrastructure planning)
Schaffitzel Holzindustrie GmbH und Co. KG (Contractor Superstructure)
Gottlob Brodbeck GmbH & Co. KG (Contractor Abutment, Infrastructure)
Burkhard Walther Architekturfotografie
Main structure consisting of trepped block laminated glulam beams that follow a gentle S-shape. Railing including horizontal stainless steel wires and handrail of acetylated timber. Decking made of pre-cast concrete slabs with anti-slip surface.
Our services
Feasibility study, design planning, structural planning, engineering, detailed calculation, tender procedure and site management – Service phases 1-9 according to German HOAI