Roof Structure for the Station Assen-NL
Railway Station Roofing Made out of Glulam
The winning design, from a short list of five invited architecture offices, connects the state capital at local and national level. The winning design is from the pen of Powerhouse Company and De Zwarte Hond from the Netherlands and is to be implemented by 2019. The project team relies on our expertise for execution planning and structural planning.
Year of Construction
Gemeente Assen
Area: about 3100 m
Glue laminated timber: about 600 m³
Powerhouse Company
De Zwarte Hond
Structural design of bicycle cellars, pavilions
Breed Id
Asymmetrical shell structure out of triangles, which are identical in plan. Star-shaped supports bear the curved roof, which is partially planted green and partially glazed.
Our services
Consultancy for Timber construction, structural engineering, design planning (voorlopig ontwerp und definitief ontwerp) – compareable with Service phases 1-6 according to German HOAI