Rokoko and Station Bridge Over the Rems River
Timber-Concrete Composite Bridge
The bridges are characterized by refined stepped timber beams, which have the largest cross section of just 60cm in the center field.
The glued laminated beam is not led to the end of the abutments but it ends about three meters in front of it, so the concrete slab transmits the forces into the abutment. The shear connectors are generated in this structure with a curved gutter, which are combinated with bonded steel brackets.
Moreover the concrete slab protects the timber beams from weathering. So the timber is only visible to the user when standing at the side of the bridge.
Landesgartenschau Schwäbisch Gmünd 2014 GmbH
Year of construction
Concept and design
graf ingenieure (Schwäbisch Gmünd)
Length: 27,66 m (Station bridge) resp. 25,29 m (Rokoko bridge)
Width: 3,00 m (Station bridge) resp. 2,50 m (Rokoko bridge)
Main structure consisting of stepped block laminated glulam beams in combination with concrete slap. Shear connection integrated in steel brackets. Railing with horizontal stainless steel cables and integrated light in handrail.
Our services
Consultancy timber engineering and project supervision