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Trepped Block Laminated Bridge in Biberach

Bridge Replacement Crossing Schoolyard


The bridge leads across a schoolyard. Therefore constraints in time and by the limited construction site have to be considered particularly in addition to a sustainable structure. The replacement structure is planned as a so-called block girder bridge constructed in timber. The structure bears on three steel supports that are bases on the distances of the former structure. The shortest span of 3.80m is designed as a cantilever, to avoid load application to the ancient town wall on the south side. Due to the large difference in height a slope of more than 6% results. Barrier-free accessibility cannot be guaranteed. The aim of this draft is to embed a contemporary wooden construction into vicinity. Particular attention is paid to a long-lasting constructional wood protection.

Length: 18,80 m
Width: 2,30 m

Blocklaminated beam made from vertical, partly bended glulam. Cross section trepped in order to protect the timber structure from wind driven rain. Mastic asphalt, coated steel parapet including Accoya handrail and a lower stainless steel handrail compmlete a high quality strucutre.

Our services
Design, structural planning, engineering, detailed calculation, tender procedure

service phase 1 – 6 according to German HOAI

